A recent swell of coverage of sexual harassment and assault has largely focused on high-profile people in media, entertainment, and politics. But these issues also persist in other workplaces—like K-12 schools and district administration offices—where victims have less power and where perpetrators are less well known.
That’s the message of the thousands of people, mostly women, sharing their #metoo stories. Those women include teachers, as I wrote in an Education Week story this week:
There's little comparative data on rates of sexual harassment across industries, largely because incidents don't always result in formal complaints, and complaints may be made to various agencies at local, state, and federal levels. But a sampling of recent headlines shows that schools around the country have dealt with sexual harassment complaints, often involving allegations against district-level administrators and principals."
To better understand the nature of workplace sexual harassment in schools, Education Week is seeking stories from our readers. If you work in a school or a school district office and have been a victim of sexual harassment by a colleague or supervisor, or have witnessed such behavior among other adults at work, we would like to learn more about your experience and how it was handled.
To report your account or experience, please fill out this simple form below to share your information. An Education Week reporter may contact you, but your information will not be made public in any way without your express permission.
In 2018, as women across industries shared their stories of sexual harassment in the workplace, Education Week began reporting on the problem in K-12 schools. We asked school or school district employees about their experiences and how they were handled. An online form, now discontinued, appeared on this page. It was a vehicle for users to report their experiences. We want to thank those who did reach out to us. For more about this project, read: Teachers Told Me Their Stories of Sexual Assault and Harassment—and Why They Keep Silent.