Heads-up: If you are a reading or language arts or English teacher and you’re getting apprehensive, or excited, about the Common Core standards—and you probably should be one or the other at this point—we have a couple of timely webinar opportunities for you next week. From Paper to Practice: Implementing the Common Core State Standards in English/Language Arts, scheduled for Tues., May 1, from 2 to 3 p.m. ET, will feature two literacy educators from Kentucky who are on the cutting edge in working with special instructional tools designed for the standards. They’ll illustrate some of the new demands expected on both teachers and students.
Later in the week, on Thurs., May 3, from 4 to 5 p.m. ET, we have a premium PD webinar on What Common Core Means for Language Arts Teachers. That one, part of our Reading the Future series, will feature Sarah Brown Wessling, the 2010 National Teacher of the Year and the author of Supporting Students in a Time of Core Standards: English Language Arts, Grades 9-12. Wessling plans to explore ways teachers can begin integrating the language arts standards into their lesson planning and contextualizing them in relation to the specific learning needs of their students. We’ll also try to leave plenty of time for your questions.
Both of these webinars will be available “on-demand” after they are initially presented. That is, you’ll be able to tune into them whenever is convenient for you.