College & Workforce Readiness Opinion

Survey: Women Value Higher Education More Than Men

By Richard Whitmire — August 17, 2011 1 min read
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Pretty obvious, right? Still, there’s some interesting context in this Pew survey.

This from the Chronicle story:

The public seems to be undecided about the impact of changes in the gender makeup of the student body. A majority of people surveyed welcomed the fact that more women than men were graduating from college. But when asked if it was a good or a bad thing that fewer men were graduating from college than women, their reactions switched: 46 percent of respondents said it was a bad thing that fewer men than women were attaining college degrees. Racial and ethnic patterns play into those attitudes, the survey found. African-Americans were more reluctant to say the gender gap in higher education was a good thing. The divide between women and men in higher education is most pronounced in the black community, where 63 percent of college graduates are women. Less than half of black respondents viewed the higher enrollment and completion rates for women than men favorably, compared with 54 percent of whites and 59 percent of Hispanics.

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