Teacher Preparation Opinion

I Never . . . I Always...

By AAEE — July 19, 2016 2 min read
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Let’s change the game of I Never to include a new game of I Always. Starting with this: I never thought I would be a teacher . . . I always knew I would be a teacher, and everyone in between.

For many people, teaching is something they have been doing since they were young. My five year old wants to play school all the time. My thirteen year old daughter loves being tech support in her middle school, helping her classmates, and sometimes teachers, figure out their Chromebooks. And so far they both want to be teachers. For others, it is a professional they have reconsidered after choosing another path initially. Or it may be something that was never considered until someone else said “have you ever thought about being a teacher”. No matter how you get there, it is always rewarding.

As someone looking into teaching, you may think I never took education classes in college. The great news is many states have alternative licensing programs. These programs allow you to teach, while earning your teacher license/credential.

I never knew teaching could be this fun! If you aren’t sure if teaching is for you, try substitute teaching. You can try different levels (elementary, middle and high school). You can dabble in different subject areas. You can learn about special programming (STEM, expeditionary learning, gifted and talented, and more). You can work as much as you want. We are all in need of substitute teachers!

I always wanted to teach, but I can’t find a job. If you are in a subject area that is saturated, like elementary education, social studies, physical education, etc. you may want to add another endorsement in a hard to fill category like math, science, special education or world language. If your passion is only in the one area, start substitute teaching in districts, or schools, where you want to be hired. Many districts, and schools, will hire their substitutes because they have seen them at work and like what they see. Keep in mind, every day is an interview while you’re substitute teaching!

I always come in second during the interview process. When you receive a call that you are not being offered the position, ask for feedback and be gracious. Practice your interviewing skills. Make sure your resume is up to date, professional and grammatically correct. If you student teach or substitute in a district, ask human resources if they do mock interviews, resume classes or have any suggestions as you go through the interview process.

I never give up! I always have a plan! I will be a teacher!

Amy Spruce

Human Resources Department

Adams 12 School District

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