Digital Learning Day is February 5th! For those who don’t know what this day is about, here it is according to the Digital Learning Day website:
“Digital Learning Day is about giving every child the opportunity to learn in a robust digital environment everyday, with the goal of success in college and a career.”
While the goal is celebrating digital learning every day in schools, February 5th is a day to bring special awareness to those educators who might not feel as comfortable infusing tech to teaching. So what can you do to support digital learning (day) and increase digital learning opportunities this Wednesday (and every day)? Here are some quick wins and easy ideas:
Take the pledge to support digital learning. All you need to do is click here add your support to effective technology use in schools!
Have your class join the #Make4DLDay challenge and create digital stories! There are different levels on the website to choose from so no matter your access to tech and skill level, you can still participate.
Participate in the Digital Learning Day virtual conference and see Judy Woodruff of PBS NewsHour host chats with experts live from the Library of Congress, join in activies and engage in discussion boards!
Already a techie teacher? Host a parent tech night - invite parents to your school on February 5th (or any day!) and have your students present their favorite apps, programs, tools and devices! Make it hands-on, allow parents to experience the technology and become immersed in the learning!
Want to try your hand at bringing more digital learning into your instruction? Check out these toolkits and lesson plans to get started!
Hopefully this day will inspire you to make every day Digital Learning Day - or help you inspire someone else!