The National Center for Family Literacy announced that the organization is now called the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL).
The Louisville,Ky.-based organization’s new name supports its mission that learning is a lifelong process that does not end with becoming literate. The group’s new name is being marked by the launch of its new website ( as well.
“Literacy will always be a cornerstone of what we do,” Sharon Darling, president and founder of NCFL, said in a Nov. 1 news release. “This move to learning is about being more inclusive and strengthening ties with the families and communities we serve by bringing our mission to life in everyday language.”
The national nonprofit wants to transform the way literacy is perceived, identifying it as a skill that “exists on a continuum,” helping children and adults achieve success in school, work, and life.
The NCLF is launching additional initiatives this month, among them:
- Families and Learning NOW is a weekly compilation of relevant literacy and learning news, research findings, and best practices in family learning, selected by NCFL to inform educators and family and education advocates.
- The Families Learning Summit and National Conference on Family Literacy will be held in Washington, D.C., Feb. 17 to Feb. 19 next year. The Families Learning Summit will expand its focus to include family engagement.