This seems like a perfect time to think of postsecondary transitions, after my last blog entry on an Easter Seals survey about parents of adult children with disabilities.
Many of those parents said they were concerned that their children might not be able to support themselves on their own. That’s a very real concern. Earlier this year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (an office of the U.S. Department of Labor) released a report that outlined the high unemployment and underemployment rate of adults with disabilities.
So this guide, called Charting the Course: Supporting the Career Development of Youth with Disabilities offers a good starting place for career counselors, parents and youth with learning disabilities who are in the process of developing plans for life after school. The guide was developed by the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth, in collaboration with the Labor Department’s office of disability employment policy.
I’m particularly fond of guides that include more sources that readers can use, and this guide is rich with them. And, though the focus is primarily on youths with learning disabilities, I can see this being useful for students who fall into other disability categories.