The Florida Virtual School and educational publishers Pearson have announced a partnership that will offer FLVS-designed courses through a program called Pearson Virtual Learning.
Schools worldwide will be able to choose from one of four options to offer middle and high school content to students. The programs vary based on whether a subscribing school is using its own teachers and learning management system, and whether it is paying for courses on a per-student or a subscription basis. Information provided by Pearson does not include more specific pricing models for the program.
The program will offer credit recovery courses in the four core subject areas for high schoolers, math credit recovery courses for middle schoolers, as well as an assortment of Advanced Placement courses and exam reviews. Schools choosing to use their own teachers for instruction will can also gain access to professional development courses.
Florida Virtual School, considered a leader in the online school industry, has been pushing ways to expand its operations as other virtual schools have followed their lead. FLVS, which as its own public school district is still free for all Florida students, has worked with brick-and-mortar schools to provide blended learning opportunities, sold some of its courses to other schools, and established a franchise option for counties in the state who wish to manage their own virtual schools.