The Education Week Spotlight on Assessment is a collection of articles hand-picked by our editors for their insights on how the pandemic is challenging educators’ ability to test for achievement, how teachers can reduce cheating in virtual environments, and how student test scores are projected to predict future learning losses resulting from school closures.
You get the articles below in a downloadable PDF.
How to Prevent Student Cheating During Remote Learning: 4 Tips
Academic cheating is a big problem in virtual learning environments, but educators can discourage and prevent it.
Will the 2021 Nation's Report Card Be Another Coronavirus Casualty?
The congressionally mandated tests dubbed the "Nation's Report Card," have measured the progress of U.S. students in reading and math for five decades, come fire, flood, and budget cuts. But the combination of a global pandemic and nationwide economic instability could throw off the 2021 National Assessment of Educational Progress.
COVID-Related Learning Loss Will Hit Younger Students Differently
New research suggests schools will need to target interventions differently to help students in different grades and subjects recover from pandemic disruption.
Standardized Testing and COVID-19: 4 Questions Answered
The pandemic disrupted standardized at state and national levels this spring. Here’s what education leaders need to know about continued disruptions and infection risks posed by testing.
Why Should We Allow Students to Retake Assessments?
After Tom Guskey talked about grading and assessment, educators on social media asked follow-up questions. Here's his answer.
Strategies for Grading ELLs in Content Classes
Five educators share suggestions for grading English-language learners in "mainstream" content classes, including emphasizing formative assessments and separating language proficiency from content knowledge.
Assessments and Grading in the Midst of a Pandemic
Many teachers struggle with how to assess learning during the coronavirus crisis. Here are a few important aspects to think about and a few ways to meet your grading needs.