Just how has the conversation about overtesting changed in recent months, weeks, and days? A new Storify from Education Week includes tweets, videos, graphics and more to show you just how the contours of the debate about tests’ proper place in schools have changed.
In the past week or so, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and President Barack Obama have made high profile announcements to push for schools to cut back on unnecessary testing. But the “too much testing” story line has been gathering momentum for quite some time. And Duncan’s public-relations blitz to get states to cut testing isn’t even a new position for him.
As several K-12 officials have pointed out, the actual process of eliminating testing really falls on states and districts. Back in July, I wrote a story about efforts at the state and local levels to count, categorize, and make decisions about the (sometimes dizzying) variety of tests. And that variety can itself look quite different from district to district, even when those districts are neighbors.
Storify below by Lovey Cooper