Interesting point: On ASCD’s edge blog, teacher Jason Flom notes that Steven Brill’s much talked about, 8,000-word New York Times Magazine piece on Race to the Top and the current thrust of education reform did not quote a single teacher:
It's outrageous! When an editor from one of the world's most powerful newspapers does not insist that a teacher's voice be included in such a premiere education piece we learn a lot about the esteem teachers are held in. It's the The-emperor-has-no-clothes moment of truth. Finally, we see and we should be livid! After all, we have the most profound of roles in our schools -- we teach the children.
Outgoing National Teacher of the Year Anthony Mullen also wrote memorably about this teachers-should-be-seen-and-not-heard phenomenon a while back.
Meanwhile, Cody thinks it’s time for teachers to start using their outside voices.