Morton Kondracke: No Child Left Behind deserves renewal Examiner
There’s reason to hope that Congress will reauthorize, extend and improve the landmark 2001 NCLB Act school-accountability law. But, by itself, the federal program is clearly not going to solve America’s education crisis.
NCLB Has Flunked Chicago Defender
Is the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) working? If it isn’t working, will it succeed by the 2014 deadline? The answers to both of these questions, unfortunately, are no.
Outside the Beltway View of NCLBAFT Blog
It’s true that failing an NCLB-mandated tests doesn’t necessarily mean a student will be held back or given an F. But this impassioned, informed, unsolicited comment should put to rest the idea that NCLB’s tests aren’t sometimes “high-stakes tests” for children.

Then, as if to prove its critics right, there’s NCLB’s new, “bloody claw marks” logo. Or are those marks just meant to represent declining NAEP scores?