School Choice & Charters Opinion

Trend on Urban Boys Charters Continues

By Richard Whitmire — June 30, 2011 1 min read
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Next up: Denver.

From the article:

The school emphasizes business and mathematics and requires a course in entrepreneurship for all ninth-graders. "We focus on those because we think it allows students to be problem solvers and critical thinkers," said the school's chief curriculum officer, Keith Sanders. "But we still have a strong comprehensive curriculum." The study also is interactive and hands-on. "We create an environment that allows boys to move every six to 12 minutes," Hardrick said. "We keep their hands busy to keep them from needing to touch, reach out or creating other class disruptions." To foster a feeling of brotherhood, students meet every morning for 15 to 20 minutes to celebrate one another's accomplishments and hear from motivational speakers. Some school leaders, including Sanders, are part of Kappa Alpha Psi, which has agreed to start a Kappa League youth chapter at the school, which will allow boys to be mentored by adult members. "When you look at data, men are falling behind women in graduation rates, college-going rates, and when you break it down even more, it is African-American and Latino boys that are falling drastically behind," Ross of Community College of Denver said. "An intervention is needed."

thanks to Jonathan Wolfer for spotting this one.

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