Federal Opinion

The Significance of ‘End of Men’ Making Best-Of List

By Richard Whitmire — December 24, 2010 1 min read
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David Brooks names the best magazine essays of the year, and Hanna Rosin’s Atlantic piece makes the short list.

In case you missed that piece, here it is again.

The fact that Brooks picked this piece, and that Times columnist Nicholas Kristof chose Why Boys Fail as the subject for a Sunday column are signs of an important development: 2010 was the year when everyone stopped questioning whether males are in trouble and started asking the why question.

Too bad it took so long. This is an international issue. Compared to several other countries already trying to deal with the boy troubles, the U.S. has a lot of ground to make up.

I have a suggestion for Arne Duncan: Assign a researcher to dig up Australia’s “Lighthouse” research on the issue (thanks to Paul, who pointed out I didn’t include the link in the original posting), re-label it made-in-the-USA and pass it around to schools. We could spend years and millions of dollars on parallel research and do no better.

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