Like them or loathe them (I know people on both sides), give credit to the folks at the Broad Foundation for at least trying to address what’s going on at the core of the education machine (political leadership, district leadership, school leadership). Give them credit, too, for this week naming maverick SEIU president Andy Stern to their board of governors, along with Rod Paige. See here for a good overview from last year in EdWeek. See below for the full press release. Here’s the full press release:
Leaders in Education, Science, the Arts Named to
The Broad Foundations Board of Governors
Contact: Karen Denne
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 (310) 954-5058
LOS ANGELES - Thirteen distinguished leaders in the fields of education, science, the arts and business have been named to The Broad Foundations board of governors, founder Eli Broad announced today.
The Broad (pronounced “brode”) Foundations, with assets of $2.25 billion, are focused on entrepreneurship for the public good in education, science and the arts. The newly appointed board of governors will lend their expertise to The Broad Foundations’ philanthropic investments in these areas.
The board of governors is comprised of the following:
David Baltimore - president emeritus, California Institute of Technology, Nobel Laureate
Henry G. Cisneros - CEO of CityView America, former U.S. secretary of housing and urban development, former mayor of San Antonio
Robert A. Day - chairman, TCW Group, Inc., president of the W.M. Keck Foundation
Paul N. Frimmer - Irell & Manella, LLP
Jana W. Greer - president, AIG SunAmerica Retirement Markets, Inc.
Kent Kresa - chairman emeritus, Northrop Grumman
Barry Munitz - trustee professor, California State University, Los Angeles, former president of The J. Paul Getty Trust, former chancellor of the California State University
Roderick R. Paige - chairman of Chartwell Education Group LLC, former U.S. secretary of education
Richard J. Riordan - former California secretary of education, former mayor of Los Angeles
Morton O. Schapiro - president and professor of economics, Williams College
Andrew Stern - international president of Service Employees International Union
Larry Summers - Charles W. Eliot university professor at Harvard University, former president of Harvard University, former U.S. secretary of the treasury, former chief economist for the World Bank
Jay S. Wintrob - president and CEO of AIG Retirement Services, Inc.
“My wife Edythe and I are pleased to have the expertise and counsel of such an accomplished board of governors,” Broad said. “Individually and collectively, they share our commitment to and passion for dramatically improving education, advancing scientific and medical research and fostering public appreciation for the arts.”
The Broad Foundations were founded more than 40 years ago by Eli and Edythe Broad. Eli Broad is a renowned business leader who founded two Fortune 500 companies -- KB Home and SunAmerica, Inc. The Broad Foundations are comprised of The Broad Foundation and The Broad Art Foundation. The Broad Foundation is focused on dramatically improving urban K-12 public education, advancing scientific and medical research in the areas of human genomics, stem cell research and inflammatory bowel disease, and working to create a vibrant cultural core in Los Angeles. The Broad Art Foundation is a lending library of contemporary art. For more information, please visit www.broadfoundations.org.
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