The latest NCLB splosion already has the blogosphere assigning battle names, i.e. Trail of Tears, Wonk Wars, or the I-95 Knockdown. I prefer Panic at the Disco, and you can watch eduwonk and I get down courtesy of David Bellel.
In his most recent post, eduwonk asks me to bring it:
My challenge for Eduwonkette is to offer up what sort of requirements for school accountability she’d support. How many kids, or what percent, should a school have to teach reading and math to, well, in order to make “adequate yearly progress?” What’s the bar below which no school should be allowed to fall? Should less be expected in terms of performance from schools serving a lot of poor or minority kids because they are more challenging populations based on the data? How many other subjects should we test students in if we don’t want to just focus on reading and math?
To which I say: Game on, week of February 24th. Until then, this site is running eduwonkette lite as I dropkick some deadlines.
In the meantime, readers and fellow bloggers, take the eduwonk challenge: What kind of requirements for accountability would you support?