Federal Opinion

No Clear Way To Pay For Initiatives, Says FactCheck

By Alexander Russo — July 05, 2007 1 min read
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So last week’s nearly-forgotten Democratic debate finally included some education talk (minimum wage for teachers, healthy breakfast for all kids, college access). But was any of it really do-able? Probably not says one group that watches out for over-promising politicians, ccording to FactCheck.org. “Candidates said little about how they planned to deliver on those promises, how much their plans would cost or who would pay.” Of course, no one paying attention really thinks any of these things are going to happen. The key here is to promise as much as you can get away with during the primary and hope that some of the suckers voters and media fall for it. Repeat again as necessary in the general. Meanwhile, EdIn'08 clamors for more education talk -- and specificity -- than Dem candidates have provided thus far.

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