School Choice & Charters Opinion

More on ‘Delusions of Gender’

By Richard Whitmire — September 12, 2010 1 min read
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Delusions of Gender follows the same path of Pink Brain, Blue Brain, in disputing the idea that boy brains and girls brains are significantly different. The Washington Post reviews the book today.

Oddly, the Post review treats the issue as a philosophical issue. The reality is that hundreds of schools now embrace brain-based learning styles in their single-sex classrooms. This entire experiment got launched without a shred of research by the U.S. Department of Education.

I try to stay neutral on this one; I’m a reporter,not a neuroscientist. I’ve seen boys make progress in single-sex classrooms that use learning-style-differences teaching techniques, and I’ve seen them make progress in classrooms that are gender neutral. My worry is that schools are placing all their eggs in the single-sex basket. If that proves to be just another educational fad will they give up on rescuing boys from their academic troubles?

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