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Diane Ravitch: Most Prolific EduTweeter?

By Michele McNeil — June 23, 2011 1 min read
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“On May 20 alone, [Diane] Ravitch tweeted 99 times to her 13,000 followers,” writes Dana Goldstein in her interesting profile of this controversial education figure.

This made me wonder: How does @dianeravitch compare to other EduTweeters? It sure does seem like a lot of Tweets for one day.

To put her numbers in perspective, on Tuesday, June 21:

@MichaelPetrilli tweeted 25 times to his 1,500-plus followers;

@educationweek tweeted 23 times to our 50,300-plus followers;

@mikeklonsky tweeted 21 times to his 1,600-plus followers;

@alexanderrusso tweeted 9 times to his 3,600-plus followers;

@Politicsk12 tweeted twice to our 5,700-plus followers;

@m_rhee (AKA Michelle Rhee) tweeted twice to her 20,200-plus followers;

@arneduncan tweeted zero times to his 5,700-plus followers.

Is there anyone out there working in ed policy or advocacy who is out-Tweeting Ravitch?

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A version of this news article first appeared in the Politics K-12 blog.