Campaign '08
Follow Education Week‘s print and online-only coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign to learn more about where the major candidates stand on education. Also read the blog, Campaign K-12, for more analysis of the candidates’ views. Also, check our election multimedia resources and coverage.
Education-Related Ballot Items Reflect Fiscal, Policy Concerns
Voters approved slot machines to fund schools in Maryland, rejected limits on bilingual instruction in Oregon, and shook up statehouses elsewhere.
School & District Management
State Electoral Victors Face K-12 Hurdles
The new class of governors, state legislators, and chief state school officers elected last week will face formidable challenges in dealing with the squeeze the nation’s sagging economy—and ballooning state budget deficits—is putting on K-12 education.
School Choice & Charters
Schools Attended by Winners Report 'Great Pride' in Outcome
Former teacher says Obama showed no obvious signs of ambition, but was "thoughtful and bright."
More 'Blue' Congress to Tackle Education
President-elect Obama can look forward to working with a beefed-up Democratic majority in Congress when he seeks to enact his education agenda after taking office in January.
Campaign Notebook
The Book on Obama
There’s already a children’s book about the new president-elect. Barack Obama: America’s 44th President was shipping out to stores shortly after Election Day.
Campaign Notebook
That Guy in Obama's Neighborhood Speaks
William Ayers has resisted interviews, but broke his silence when a reporter for The Washington Post knocked on his door on Election Day.
School & District Management
Campaign Notebook
With Minor Hiccups, School Polling Places Pass Election Day Test
In an election marked by high voter turnout, school officials around the country found themselves making some last-minute decisions on how to best manage public access to school-based polling places.
Obama Gets to Work on Transition
The Democrat’s sweeping Election-Day triumph may lift the prospects for his K-12 policy plans.
For Students, Obama's Victory Offers Lesson in Civics
High school students in the Washington area celebrate and dissect the meaning of the nation’s first black president-elect.

State-Level Races Shape Education Landscape
Voters approved slot machines to fund schools in Maryland, rejected limits on bilingual instruction in Oregon, and shook up statehouses elsewhere.
School & District Management
Obama Elected 44th President
The Democrat’s agenda includes expanding preschool, recruiting teachers, increasing funding for charter schools, and amending the No Child Left Behind Act.
Election 2008 - The Presidential Race
State-by-state detailed voting results of the 2008 Presidential election.
Part of our Campaign '08 coverage.
Election 2008 - Governors and State Chiefs
Voters are choosing governors in 11 states and state superintendents in five. The gubernatorial contests include three open seats. State school board members also are up for election. Part of our Campaign '08 coverage.
Election 2008 - Ballot Measures
Ballot questions and proposed constitutional amendments in more than a dozen states will affect K-12 public education policy. Part of our Campaign '08 coverage.