Ariel Sacks, on the advice of a yoga teacher, has taken to practicing mindfulness in the classroom. It’s interesting stuff:
When we take the time to notice things, we are creating an opportunity for ourselves to illuminate the choices we make on a regular basis, some of which we may not even be aware. Lately, I've even been taking time to notice what I notice. Do I take as much time to notice the progress one student makes, or how well a lesson went, as I do berating myself about a student who was messing around period 4? How I fill up my mental space involves choice as well. I've been trying to make the choice lately to notice the positive as much as the other things that beg my attention.
If you like this, see author Kirsten Olson’s comment below on a Buddhist-inspired workshop for school leaders. (We’ve seem to have a little bit of a theme going.)