I am 2BZ4UQT. But a reader sent along his thoughts on how Roland Fryer’s plan to text message our way to educational equity could reinvent NYC teens’ texting lingo. More likely is that the Department of Ed makes a major gaffe while trying to communicate with the young folks in a language no one older than 22 understands. For original meanings, you can look here.
2BZS2T - too busy studying to talk
MILF - man, I like fractions!
LOL - learning obligatory lessons
RMTVA - raising my teachers’ value-added
ROFL - reading only for loot
OTFN - our teachers fired now
WDIGP - when do I get paid?
JK - Joel Klein
POS - pouring over schoolwork
LMAO - learning math adds opportunities
MFWIC – math is for wicked intelligent children
RFSLIC - Roland Fryer says learning is cool