Here at Education Week and Digital Directions, we primarily cover education in the U.S., but sometimes it’s helpful to look at what other countries are doing to see if there’s anything we can learn. In that spirit, I’d like to turn your attention to a recent report put out by the International Association for K-12 Online Learning about the state of online learning in Canada.
According to the report, all 13 provinces and territories in the country have some form of online learning in place. In fact, Canada has had quite a history of tapping online education to help bring more options to students in a largely rural country, says the report.
The report breaks down whether the programs are government-run or independent, what kind of legislation is in place regarding K-12 online learning, how the programs are funded, and what kind of quality assurance and accountability is in place for each province and territory. Like e-learning in the U.S., it appears that all of those factors vary from place to place.
The report is packed full of information, making it a must-read for those of you interested in online learning or education in Canada. Check out the report here
What do you think? Is there anything we in the U.S. can learn from what the Canadians are doing?