My co-blogger Ian and I have alluded to it a couple of times, but our latest—and final—installment of the e-learning report series we’ve been working on for the past year is finally up!
This one is all about e-curriculum—from aligning e-courses with Common Core standards to delivering online courses through mobile devices to beefing up students’ social skills in cyber classes. There’s a lot packed into this report, and I encourage you all to check out the interactive PDF version as well. We’ve got a conversation with Susan Patrick about what Common Core means for online learning and the lowdown on Florida Virtual School‘s funding method.
You can also check out our two previous reports, “E-Educators Evolving” and “Assessing the Agenda for Change”.
Let us know what you think in the comments. Does anything surprise you? Frustrate you? Are there any areas we didn’t report on that you would have liked to see more information?