Beyond School
Nora Fleming had her fingers in a variety of editorial endeavors at Education Week. She’d been an education reporter for a newspaper in California and held editorial jobs at a number of other publications and organizations. She was also a veteran of multiple out-of-school experiences—both as a participant and an employee. This blog is no longer being updated, but you can continue to explore these issues on by visiting our related topic pages: after school programs and extracurricular activities.
Student Achievement
A Farewell to 'Beyond School' Blog, as Coverage Finds a New Home
The Beyond School blog is retiring after a run of nearly three-and-a-half years.
20 N.Y.C. Middle Schools Lengthen the Day for Literacy
The schools will lengthen the day for 6th graders, who will receive extra literacy instruction, as well as enrichment and other academics.
New Expanded Learning Time Schools Open Doors
The first of the schools in five states lengthening the school year by 300 hours are opening their doors for the new, longer year.
THINK Together Acquires New After-School Clients
THINK Together, one of the largest extended learning providers in the country, acquires the Bay Area chapter of a national after-school organization.
Detroit Adds 21 Community School Sites
Attention to the community schools model as a school turnaround strategy is growing.
New Summer Program Recommendations Released
The latest report in a five-year project on summer learning offers recommendations to districts aiming to offer high-quality summer programs.
National Summer Learning Association Announces Program Winners
Three summer programs have been selected out of a pool of 90 applicants for the National Summer Learning Association's annual award.
Momentum to Curb Summer Learning Loss Grows Nationally
Growing attention is drawn to how to reduce academic losses over the summer months; expanded learning time seen as a solution by some.
City Leaders to Gather in Support of After-School
Five cities will host summits with state and local leaders next year in support of after-school programs.
Student Achievement
Chicago Offers Digital Badges for Students' Summer Experiences
Students in Chicago earn virtual accolades for summer learning experiences at 140 organizations in the city.
Libraries, Museums Engage More Learners
Libraries and museums are becoming a hotbed for new and engaging learning opportunities; new grants to these institutions were recently awarded.
Out-of-School Science Needs Better Assessments
Improved assessments for out-of-school science instruction can enrich the science learning that takes place in programs, a new report says.
Summer Jobs Found to Reduce Youth Violence
A new study finds a youth employment program in Boston reduces participants' violent behavior.
New Legislation Proposed for Expanded and Out-of-School Learning
New legislation proposed at the federal and state levels could help (but maybe hurt) out-of-school and expanded learning opportunities.