Three winners were announced for the National Summer Learning Association’s annual New York Life Excellence in Summer Learning Awards from a pool of 90 applicants, the organization reported this week.
This year’s winners:
- The Boston Summer Learning Project is a collaborative effort of the local school district and two out-of-school-time organizations in the city, serving 1,700 students, elementary through high school. Lessons and enrichment activities are developed around key themes and targeted questions, adhering to the common-core standards.
- The Children Defense Fund’s Freedom School Partners program serves 1,200 K-12 students at 19 sites, where they receive literacy instruction, participate in hands-on enrichment activities in STEM subjects and the arts, and take field trips. Outside evaluations found the program to have helped improve student reading scores.
- The Connecticut Pre-Engineering Program (CPEP) Summer Gaming Challenge, a program where students spend five weeks in a 150 hour program, participating in teacher-led lessons and working on hands-on gaming projects that are designed to boost their math skills. The program reports that students have improved their math proficiency by 40 percent the past two years.