The salary of every public school employee in Ohio is now searchable to the public via an online database, reports the Dayton Daily News.
The searchable site, created by Opportunity Ohio, a right-leaning think tank based in Columbus, includes pay data for public school employees dating back to 2004, and for 65,000 state government employees from 2003-2011. It retrieves not just an employee’s salary, but the number of hours worked per day and days worked per year. All data was obtained from the Ohio Department of Education. Results can be sorted by district or by typing in a teacher’s name.
Matt Mayer, president of Opportunity Ohio, told the Daily News that the information “allows Ohioans to see what public servants are making. And not just from a prurient ‘I want to know how much money they make’ [point of view]. It’s a ‘Look, when my family has lost ground and not had a pay raise, I want to see what my school district’s doing. I want to see what my state government’s doing.’” He said he singles out employee pay because it makes up such a large part of government costs.
The reader comments on the article suggest that the information in the database may not be entirely accurate. One reader posted that the figure reported in the database only reflects half of his/her income (suggesting that the reader is an Ohio public school teacher), while another commented that his wife’s pay information in reality “is much less than what is stated on this website.”