Your Job Search Cup is Half Full - Now is the time to fill it up!
1. You will get a job, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but you WILL!
2. Come to terms with the fact that your job search for your Plan A (ideal) job may take weeks or months
3. Stay away from: Self Imposed Limitations or Self Doubt or Self Fulfilling Prophecies!
4. Be confident that you are employable
5. Surround yourself with supportive people. If you friends, peers, colleagues are negative about the job search/job market, create some space between you and them.
6. By setting up a job search plan you are ahead of a lot of people who have lost confidence or are not maintaining a high level of job search activity
What About Me?
1. Many job search activities do not provide an immediate tangible outcome. Do something that provides concrete results - clean the closets, volunteer.
2. Reward Yourself - find something that says to you “Job Well Done.” Go out for ice cream, take a walk, etc.
3. Manage stress effectively-stay healthy!
Suzanne Dagger
Director of Career Services, Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY