Getting ready to apply for teaching positions?
Take the time to perfect your application materials. This includes having multiple people look over your resume, ensuring that your cover letter is error free and well-written, as well as getting your application materials and portfolio in order. If you are getting ready to graduate, your school’s career center is a great place for assistance with this. Not in school? Most schools offer career services to their alumni.
Focus your job search.
Identify a geographic region where you would like to live/work and focus your research on the schools in the area. In today’s world you have ready access with the internet, so you should have no trouble identifying details about various districts/schools (teacher turnover, demographics, test scores, etc...) that will help you to make an informed choice about teaching positions that may be of interest to you. Don’t forget to also do your homework on the community where you would live, and if possible spend some time there to determine if it meets your needs.
What tips do you have for the job search?
Pamela Folger, Director
Career Center
Millikin University