Put yourself in the shoes of the administrator who has to fill a teaching vacancy. You have 80 resumes and cover letters for one teaching job and after a while they all start to look the same.
If you want to get a teaching job, you need to use your resume as a marketing tool to stand out from the other applicants.
•It is important to do your research. Mention the name of the school or administrator on the letter cover. This shows that you have done your homework and have taken the time to individualize your application packet.
•Inventory your experience: Employers want to know what you have done and what you bring that is worthy of consideration.
•Choose a format that is easy to read.
•Include buzzwords. Emphasize your classroom management skills, and your ability to differentiate lessons. Show that you can talk the talk!
• Action words will emphasize your responsibilities and outcomes. Do not use the words “responsible for” when describing your duties.
•Proofread and review your resume. It is imperative that your resume and cover letter be grammatically correct and error free. Have someone else check your document.
•Network: Take advantage of career events scheduled at your university or career fairs hosted by school districts and have your resume ready to share. Take the opportunity to meet recruiters so that they will remember you.
Here are some things to consider as you draft your resume. Ask yourself the following questions to uncover your accomplishments:
Have you taught special-needs students, at-risk youth, ESL learners or some other distinct population? Have you incorporated any technology enhancements to promote learning across the curriculum?
Good luck!
Rita C. Moreno
Program Coordinator
College of Education, Career Services
Austin, TX