Velázquez Press in El Monte, Calif., has published a Spanish and English glossary for math terms that could be a good resource for Spanish speakers either in a bilingual or sheltered English math classroom.

Called the Velázquez Spanish and English Glossary for the Mathematics Classroom, the reference book contains more than 10,000 entries for math words or phrases that the editors have decided are typically used in math classes for grades 4 to 12. I have observed a few English-language learners at the high school level who keep a general bilingual dictionary close at hand to help them decipher what’s going on in their classes. It seems that it might be easier to find a relevant translation for words used in math class in a specialized glossary than a general dictionary.
I see that Velázquez Press has also published specialized Spanish and English glossaries for social studies and science. Each glossary costs $12.95.