Here is a list of top for-profit managers of charter schools, ranked by the number of charter schools they operate.
Company |
Charter Schools |
Students |
Chancellor Beacon Academies Inc. Coconut Grove, Fla. | 76 | 18,500 |
Edison Schools Inc. New York City | 53 | 21,500 |
Mosaica Education Inc. New York City | 37 | 10,000 |
The Leona Group, LLC East Lansing, Mich. | 33 | 12,000 |
National Heritage Academies Inc. Grand Rapids, Mich. | 28 | 14,000 |
Charter Schools USA Inc. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. | 20 | 7,500 |
Charter School Administrative Services* Southfield, Mich. | 18 | 8,000 |
White Hat Ventures LLC Akron, Ohio | 16 | 6,000 |
Helicon Associates Inc. Trenton, Mich. | 9 | 3,500 |
Excel Education Centers Inc. Prescott, Ariz. | 7 | 700 |
*The company did not respond to requests for information, so the figures were derived from other sources and may be incomplete.
SOURCE: Education Policy Studies Laboratory, Arizona State University; companies and their Web sites