Here are some interesting pieces that I missed during the past week or so:
Did Help Get Left Behind? US News & World Report
Five years after No Child Left Behind was enacted, educators and lawmakers are asking whether the stomachaches caused by the legislation have been worth it.
Tutoring program in trouble Detroit Free Press
A tutoring program for low-income students attending under-performing schools is being criticized for not reaching enough eligible students in Michigan and for failing in many cases to provide proof that tutors are living up to expectations.
No Classroom Left AloneAmerican Spectator
Not even LBJ could have imagined No Child Left Behind.
True ‘Spirit of America': Bush’s Icon Teaches Tots to Tune In Washington Post (Al Kamen)
Seems nothing’s ever simple these days. President Bush, in his State of the Union, praised special guest Julie Aigner-Clark, who he said “represents the great enterprising spirit of America,” for founding Baby Einstein, makers of children’s videos.