Tomorrow, I’ll be publishing the first question of this blog’s fourth “season.”
But, before the fourth year begins, I thought readers might be interested in seeing the all-time most popular posts that have appeared here. They are listed in reverse order, with the number one post at the bottom:
10. Several Ways We Can Help Students Develop Good Habits
Charles Duhigg, author of the best-selling book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, shares his responses to my questions on how to apply his research to our work in schools.
9. Several Ways To Connect With Disengaged Students
This post includes guest responses from Jim Peterson, who I consider one of my mentors, and educator/author Mike Anderson. In addition, I’ve included several comments left by readers.
8. Ways To Cultivate “Whole-Class Engagment”
Jim Peterson and William & Pérsida Himmele share their thoughts.
Educator/authors Dr. Cathy Vatterott and Bryan Harris contribute guest responses in this post.
6. Best Ways To Prepare Our Students For CCSS In Language Arts
This post features commentaries from educator/authors Christopher Lehman, Amy Benjamin and Ben Curran.
5. Ways To Help Our Students Become Better Readers - Part Four
This column includes responses from four guests: Kelly Young, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey and Carol Jago.
4. Classroom Strategies To Foster A Growth Mindset
Professor Carol Dweck and Dr. Lisa Blackwell are the co-authors of this guest response.
3. Several Ways We Can Teach Social Studies More Effectively -- Part One
This post shares guest responses from three talented and experienced educators: Stephen Lazar, Bill Bigelow, and Sarah Kirby-Gonzalez.
2. Ways To Include Students In The Formative Assessment Process
Amy Benjamin, Cheryl Suliteanu and I provide our thoughts.
1. Several Ways To Differentiate Instruction
Carol Tomlinson and Rick Wormeli contribute their ideas in this post.

You can also see all my posts from the past three years categorized by theme:
Best Ways To Begin & End The School Year
Teaching English Language Learners
Teacher & Administrator Leadership
Check back tomorrow for the new “question-of-the-week.”