Education Opinion

Some Workplaces that are Failing to Produce Results

By Sara Mead — August 23, 2011 1 min read
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Man, Stephen Brill and his new book are everywhere this week!

Including at fellow Ed Week blog Politics K-12, where Michele McNeil interviews Brill about the origins and scoring debacles of Race to the Top. Interesting stuff!

But this quote from Brill took me aback:

To me, at the end of the day, there is a big issue, that you can't take the only workplace in America that is currently failing to produce the results we'd like and have it be the only workplace where performance should never be counted.

Umm, really? I’m hardly a “school reform denier” but I find it hard to believe public schools are the only workplace in America that is currently failing to produce the results we’d like. Perhaps Brill has not been paying attention to the U.S. Congress recently? And I’ve yet to visit a convenience/drug store in Washington where I thought the workers were delivering the results I’d like to see.

The opinions expressed in Sara Mead’s Policy Notebook are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.