New Orleans: Looking for a few good principals USAT
A non-profit group retained to recruit 40 new principals for New Orleans Public Schools is using an unusual lure: A year-long, intensive training residency before candidates even take over schools — plus bonuses that could add up to nearly $40,000 if President Bush approves them.
9 States to Give Common Math Test WaPo
Mike Cohen, president of Achieve Inc., led a failed effort in the Clinton administration to develop national standards in a variety of subjects. But he said this is different, since it is a grass-roots effort rather than one being forced on states from Washington.
Students sue antiplagiarism website for rights to their homework CSM
The saga began last year when McLean High School in Virginia adopted a widely used antiplagiarism service called Turnitin. Under the system, students electronically submit essays to be stored and compared against millions of others in a massive database.