The New York Times does a service by collecting short essays from the nation’s top marriage experts on the “marriageable mate” dilemma: How are we adjusting to the shifting economic and education relationships between men and women?
Pay special attention to the piece by Ralph Richard Banks, who raises the key question: Will white women behave like black women? If they do, we can expect to see declining marriage rates and rising out of wedlock birth rates.

My only quibble with the Times is that the editors continue to play cutesy with the issue. This time, they toy with an “alpha wife” theme. Last time there was a suggestion that men were finding more wealthy women to marry, as though men were suddenly discovering more Doris Duke-type women to marry and jetting off to Rio.
If only this issue were so glamorous. Truth is, what we’re looking at is increasing social isolation on the part of lesser educated men. Sorry, no Fred dancing his way across the silver screen as he courts heiresses.