Education Opinion

Making scents

By Jessica Shyu — July 05, 2007 1 min read
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I rarely finish reading a news article smiling, especially when it has to do with students with special needs. So I wanted to post this Washington Post piece on a girl with visual impairments who went to France for four days to learn the art of perfume making.

The school in Provence was established by the founder of French cosmetic company L’Occitane after she realized that people shouldn’t be limited by their disabilities. Rather, they should have the chance to maximize the abilities they do have.

“But the best part was being with other visually impaired teenagers who face challenges similar to those she faces daily, Emma said. From one family she learned about a Web site where you can download large-print books for free. She and the other girls giggled over the mishaps they sometimes experience and commiserated about the frustrations they sometimes feel.”

“These girls understand me, Emma thought. She felt far less alone in the world.”

This was the part that was most touching to me. It was a reminder that while we are all about inclusive education these days, there is still something to be said about sometimes being with others who are like you.

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