Education Opinion

How Are You Using Your Interactive Whiteboad This Year?

By Patrick Ledesma — September 27, 2011 2 min read
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Have you ever made a resolution or promise to do things differently at the beginning of the school year?

The best time to ask about resolutions is a few weeks or months after the new year starts to see if there is progress.

So, as we are into the first few weeks of school, how are you using your Interactive Whiteboard? Any changes from last year?

Over the past year, we have talked about the R’s for Interactive Whiteboards

1) The Interactive Whiteboard Readiness Assessment: Are you ready for an Interactive Whiteboard?

Or, maybe you inherited a whiteboard or your school has one in every classroom.

2) Interactive Whiteboard Redemption: Are you using your whiteboard to its’ full potential?

And now, for the 3rd R, we have the Interactive Whiteboard Reminder:

3) The Interactive Whiteboard Reminder Checklist

____ I recognize that my Interactive Whiteboard can do more than being a projector screen.

_____ I will use my Interactive Whiteboard in other ways beyond touching the screen to advance the slides in my PowerPoint.

_____ I will use my Interactive Whiteboard to record my class notes and make digital copies available to my students and parents so I can better meet the diverse learning needs in my class and more effectively engage parents to help their children.

_____ I will share my Interactive Whiteboard files and lessons with other teachers in my subject, grade level, or department so that we can utilize collaborative expertise to improve our lessons.

_____ I will coordinate finding and sharing Interactive Whiteboard resources on the Internet with other teachers in my subject, grade level, or department so we can be more efficient in developing activities and resources.

_____ I will maximize the instructional value of the screen and audio recording features of my Interactive Whiteboard to record when I am explaining a new or difficult concept as a way for re-teaching and remediating students. By putting these videos online on YouTube, Vimeo, or other video file sharing service, students can access these files as needed.

_____ I will facilitate movement and engagement using the multimedia and touch features of my Interactive Whiteboard.

_____ By using these basic strategies, I understand that I will actually be saving a lot of time because of more efficient teacher collaboration and student accessibility. I will use my free time wisely. I will Relax.

Relax- that’s the final “R” that results when you use technology to make your work more effective and efficient.

So, how will you use your Interactive Whiteboard this year?

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