Education Opinion

First Sub

By Autumn Mundy — October 04, 2005 1 min read
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Today was day one of two where we are having a substitute in our class. The kids were active. One of my boys was sent home this morning for disturbance and kicking and another spent most the morning in the office for refusal to do anything! After they left the others kind of settled down but not really. They were so talkative and active that I took them out for recess and let them run around. If I was of my word they wouldn’t have had any time outside but they were sitting in the classroom all morning and they needed to run their meanness out! We were late for Art because someone, that would be me, wasn’t watching the time and didn’t realize we had Art so soon after lunch. The sub in here helped with keeping the class quiet and in order. Otherwise I did most of the teaching. I just hope that by November and December they have calmed down and realized I don’t put up with all the noise. I will stop the lesson and wait for them to quiet down because I do not like to scream over them. Hopefully, tomorrow we will finish up what we didn’t get done today and get done what we need to do tomorrow.

I also have to type out another Social Studies lesson and try to get most of my Science together for my Family Fun Night box. Family Fun Night is a night where students come in with their families and do activities that we Ball State students plan. That should be an interesting night!

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