Jeb wants to nuance his way to President, Brookings wants the poor to marry their way to prosperity, and principals want to find a way to get VAM off their backs.
No 100% charter system is ever going to work. Here’s why.
Washington: Disabilities Aren’t Real
The state joins DC in asserting that all students with disabilities just need a big dose of high expectations
Administration Wants To Lock in Testing Forever
The new NCLB waivers lock in Race to the Top reforms into the next administration
It’s bad to allow private ownership of a public good.
Mark McClusky’s new book, Faster, Higher, Stronger, contains lessons from the sports world that will seem familiar to educators
National Test Refusal for Pre-Teens
Does an FTC regulation hold the key to banning cyber-testing for pre-teens?
Next Generation Accountability; A Misbegotten Heritage
Here’s the advice that won’t be taken about how to make the next generation of accountability systems less odious than the last
PA cyber charters are still in the back of the pack by the state’s own measures
Brookings to Poor: Stop Fornicating, Dammit
Brookings has figured out how to fix the income gap-- the poor have got to shape up and behave
Jeb Bush opens his education summit by trying to nuance his position on Common Core. There may or may not be nuance in his view, but there’s certainly a big pile of Wrong.
Make an effort to rcognize the people who have made a difference for you
My response to the eternal question-- if charters do a good job, who cares if they’re soaking the taxpayers?
The NASSP is in the comment period for a statement condemning the use of VAM for teacher evaluation
Trying to put the pieces of ed reform in their larger context
A Michigan court rules that the state just has to set up schools-- they don’t have to be, like, good or anything.