Pearson redesigns education, Cuomo declares war, and Arne claims to have learned something, all this week at Curmudgucation.

Punishing Teachers More Effectively
A study suggests that merit pay is more effective if it’s more punitive
Schools, Transparency, and the Free Market
A CREDO speaker says out loud that education and the free market don’t seem to mesh. No kidding.
Arne Duncan’s love of VAM resists data and critical thinking.
The administration’s Big Plans for teching up every school in the country may have some nice features, but it also has some trouble with reality.
Six Lessons from Pearson’s Assessment Renaissance
This week I waded into Pearson’s big essay outlining its views about the assessment renaissance it sees just around the corner. The main takeaways are in the article linked above. If you want to follow me as a I plow through seventy-some pages, you can start with this piece.
The administration plan to evaluate teacher prep programs is one more perverse incentive to drive teachers away from high challenge classrooms.
If Pearson measures everything, who checks their work?
With RttT under legislative pressure, I take a look at what its goals really were.
Andrew Cuomo Doesn’t Understand Accountability
Hint: it’s not what you’re doing when you’ve decided the answer before you’ve asked the question.
Cyber-Security and Our Data Overlords
Pearson wants to collect all the data. Current events suggest that’s not the best idea.
Arne writes about five years of lessons in fifty states. It’s not very illuminating.
Cuomo’s office unleashes a poorly written letter that outlines all the ways he’d like to stomp NY public school teachers.
High stakes overtesting is shaping up to be one of the front lines in the battle for US public education. Here’s who’s defending it, and how.