Education Opinion

Curmudgucation Digest (April 12)

By Peter Greene — April 12, 2015 1 min read
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Common Core fading, Andrew Cuomo evaluating, Jeb Bush running, Arne Duncan talking, and everybody taking a look at the Alexander-Murray ESEA rewrite.

Lab Rat High and Public Risk

Business doesn’t suit education because students are not lab rats.

The School Funding Gap Is Worse

Data mapping shows that the funding gap between rich and poor schools in America is only getting worse.

Charter Laboratory Is Failing

Charter schools were supposed to be discovering great new innovations that all schools could use. So where are they?

Senate Proposal Cuts Duncan Off At Knees

There’s lots to look at (and not like) about the Senate’s proposed ESEA rewrite, but it sure is clear about wanting the feds to step back.

Hatchet Jobs By Video

What if the “outside observer” of Andrew Cuomo’s teacher evaluation system are just video recordings?

Charters, the Core, and the Changing Attack on Public Education

Common Core is becoming less relevant in the education debates. The front is shifting.

Meet Your New Cyber-Replacement

Once we figure out how to program hologram pop stars, can teachers be next?

Duncan Strikes Conciliatory Tone

Duncan’s response to the Senate ESEA spanking for his office is remarkably mild.

Ken-Ton Schools Yield To State Pressure

If you’ve been following the story of the Ken-Ton School District in New York and their defiance of the state’s testing requirements, here is the final chapter.

Conservative Core Mythology And Iowa

Iowa gets to host the first round of pro-Common Core advertising-- just in time for Jeb Bush to run for President. Here’s the newest version of the conservative sales pitch. Can this sauce get any weaker?

Arne’s New History of CCSS on MSNBC

Duncan sits down with Chris Hayes on MSNBC for six minutes of question dodging and politicking.

The opinions expressed in View From the Cheap Seats are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.