It was recently reported that California Governor Arnold Swarzenegger has created a plan to phase out school textbooks and adopt digital textbooks. This notion is getting some traction in the United Kingdom.
Here is 17 year old high school student talking about just that. In the video, the student talks about creating ischools based on the iTouch. This kid’s idea includes adopting digital textbooks among other things.
Ray Schroeder has a great information blog called Recession Realities in Higher Education. This is a great one-stop shop to stay updated on how the “global recession is changing realities for students, institutions, and faculty members.”
Maybe the current financial crisis will force our pk-20 schools to become more creative in how we deliver content, how students interact with the content, and the teacher’s role in the education process. Will there come a day when we look back at pictures and videos of students sitting in brick and mortar classrooms with textbooks in hand, listening to the teacher, taking notes (OK, maybe even some students throwing paper airplanes) and wonder ‘what were we thinking?’ Or will another 20-50 years pass and the experience Mr. Winkle will continue to be relevant.
Bill Moseley, the 2008 NECC button design winner had it right....who is here for this learning revolution?
Jayson Richardson