1) Non-Falsifiable Predictions: That’s what AERA is all about. Here’s my prediction - ed policy’s love affair with incentives will fade out eventually, and for better or worse, policymakers will start taking their cues from neuroscience. You can get ahead of the curve by checking out this website promoting Brain Rules.
2) Grad Students of the World, Unite: More than half of the AERA attendees are graduate students, and they’re taking names in the blogosphere as well. Check out Corey Bower’s new blog, Thoughts on Education Policy, as well as this commentary in Ed Week by UVA grad student Jennifer Steinberger Pease about the need to create pathways for already certified teachers to teach in high-need schools.
3) Conference Rule #1: Unless you are Dr. Laura, Dr. Phil, or Dr. Drew, don’t put “Your Name, Ph.D” on your title slide. The live blogging has begun - I’ll start tomorrow.
4) Amen: Alexander Russo hits the jackpot with Please Stop Hyping Social Entrepreneurship: “Dressed up as something new and shiny, social entrepreneurship isn’t that different from regular old philanthropy and reform.” But they know who the Whiffenpoofs are, or can at least sing Old Nassau.
5) eduwonkette’s Half-Birthday: Has it really been six months? My thanks to everyone who reads and contributes to this blog.