Which school district technology officials stand out for making fresh, innovative, and successful use of ed tech?
As Education Week prepares for our 2016 Leaders To Learn From special report, we’re looking for your nominations.
Last year, we recognized Terry Grier and Lenny Schad, the superintendent and chief technology information officer of the 215,000-student Houston Independent School District. The duo’s strong partnership has resulted in an aggressive vision and a patient timeline, helping Houston set the bar for how to go about a digital transformation inside a large urban system.
Big themes that have emerged on the ed-tech beat so far in 2015 include the struggle to get ed-tech procurement right, the ongoing challenges of protecting students’ sensitive information, and the importance of helping teachers and students find the right device and the right content at the right time.
And as we chronicled in our recently released Technology Counts report, the biggest ed-tech challenge of all is figuring out how to transform pedagogy. If you have suggestions of school district personnel who have overseen large-scale efforts that have resulted in even reluctant educators embracing technology and shifting towards more student-centered, personalized, and hands-on teaching strategies, we’d love to hear about them.
Visit us here to nominate a leader. The deadline for nominations is August 1.
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