The Education Department will release the final version of its NCLB regs on Tuesday, according to FritzWire, the daily e-mail blast from Fritz Edelstein:
NEW -- Tuesday, October 28, at 12:00 noon ET, U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings will deliver remarks in Columbia, South Carolina, announcing final regulations to strengthen the No Child Left Behind Act, including specific requirements that states implement a uniform graduation rate and enhance parents' leverage in accessing public school choice and supplemental educational services options for their children. Around 12:30 p.m. ET, materials (press release, fact sheet, pamphlet, etc.) and a link to the regulations will go live at"
If you want to brush up on what’s in the rules, here’s 26,000 words for you to read over this weekend. No time for that? Here’s my cheat sheet, my story about the department’s original proposals, and blog items about them (see here and here.)