A symbol (*) marks events that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.
12--College fair: Online College Fair for Transfer Applicants, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for students, teachers, and parents, at www.OnlineCollegeFair.com. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836- 8015; Web site: www.nacac.com.
13-14--Mentoring: Mentoring the New Teacher: Professional Development for Reflection and Growth, sponsored by the Northeast Regional Professional Development Center, for educators, at Cleveland State University in Cleveland. Contact: NRPDC, RT 901, 1860 E. 22nd St., Cleveland, OH 44114-4435; (216) 523-7107; fax: (216) 687- 5422; e-mail: nrpdc@csuohio.edu; Web site: www.nrpdc.org.
13--Mathematics: Structural Arithmetic-Multiplication and Division, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for educators, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail: sspero@churchillschool.com.
15-17--Administrators: The National Conference on Education, sponsored by the American Association of School Administrators, for administrators, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego. Contact: AASA, 1801 N. Moore St., Arlington, VA 22209-1813; (703) 528-0070; fax: (703) 841-1543; e-mail: webmaster@aasa.org; Web site: www.aasa.org/conferences/nce/.
15-19--Higher education: 21st Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience, sponsored by the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, for educators, in Orlando, Fla. Contact: NRCFYEST, University of South Carolina, 1629 Pendleton St., Columbia, SC 29208; (803) 777-6029; fax: (803) 777-4699; e-mail: fyeconf@gwm.sc.edu; Web site: www.sc.edu/fye.
15-17--English: Conference, sponsored by the California Association of Teachers of English, for English teachers, in Oakland, Calif. Contact: Punky Fristrom, CATE; (619) 222-3934.
19-20--Professional development: The Adaptive School: Developing and Facilitating Collaborative Groups, sponsored by the Northeast Regional Professional Development Center, for educators, at Cleveland State University in Cleveland. Contact: NRPDC, RT 901, 1860 E. 22nd St., Cleveland, OH 44114-4435; (216) 523-7107; fax: (216) 687- 5422; e-mail: nrpdc@csuohio.edu; Web site: www.nrpdc.org.
20-21--Classroom management: The Well-Managed Classroom, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact, NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail: nrtcmarketing@boystown.org.
21-22--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com.
21-22--Principals: Proficiencies for Principals: Curriculum and Instruction, sponsored by the National Association of School Principals, for elementary and middle school principals, at the headquarters of the Cooperative Council of Oklahoma School Administrators in Oklahoma City. Contact: Sandy Wisley, Associate Executive Director, CCOSA; (405) 524-1191.
21-23--Behavior: The Whole Child, sponsored by the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders, for special educators and professionals who work with individuals with emotional disorders, at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Kirsten McBride, Conference Manager, MSLBD, PO Box 40001, Overland Park, KS 66204; (913) 492-8755; fax: (913) 492-2546; Web site: www.mslbd.org.
21-23--Scholarships: Board Meeting: Increasing Scholarship Support from the Private Sector, sponsored by the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America, for CSFA board members, in Phoenix. Contact: CSFA, 1505 Riverview Road, St. Peter, MN 56082; (800) 537-4180; fax: (507) 931-9168; e-mail: cvandyke@csfa.org; Web site: www.csfa.org.
21-24--After-school programs: Beyond School Hours V: Connecting Schools, Families and Communities, sponsored by Foundations Inc., for representatives from non-profits, schools, and government, corporate, volunteer, health and human services, and philanthropic organizations, at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans and the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. Contact: Martha C. Young or Emilio R. Matticoli, FI, Moorestown West Coprorate Center, 101 Executive Drive, Suite 2, Moorestown, NJ 08057-4236; e-mail: Marty@foundations- inc.orgorEmilio@foundations-inc.org.
21-23--English: A Classic Language Arts Conference, sponsored by the Georgia Council of Teachers of English, for English teachers, in Rome, Ga. Contact: Alan Perry, GCTE; (706) 857-3528; e-mail: Aperry4214@aol.com.
22-23--Behavior: Seminar: Getting Started With Difficult Students-K-12, sponsored by Our Other Youth at Portland State University, for teachers, counselors, administrators, and special projects managers, at Schooner’s Cove Ocean Front Motel Conference Room in Cannon Beach, Ore. Deadline: Feb. 15. Contact: Jerry Conrath, OOY, 64 Junco Road, Lopez Island, WA 98261; (360) 468-3169; fax: (360) 468-3120.
23-27--Dropouts: 14th Annual America’s At-Risk Youth National Forum, sponsored by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, for teachers, counselors, district staff, social service agencies, juvenile justice professionals, and government leaders, at the Kingston Plantation in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Contact: NDPC/N, 209 Martin St., Clemson, SC 29631-1555; (864) 656-2599; fax: (864) 656-0136; e- mail: ndpc@clemson.edu; Web site: www.dropoutprevention.org.
28--Mathematics: Structural Arithmetic and Beyond-Fractions and Decimals, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for educators, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail: sspero@churchillschool.com.
28-2--English: The Many Facets of Literacy, sponsored by the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, for English teachers, in Beachwood, Ohio. Contact: William Romeo, OCTELA, (440) 885-2370; e-mail: wromeo@juno.com.
28-2--Space: Space in the Classroom Education Conference, sponsored by the Space Foundation, for K-12 educators, at the Sheraton Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo. Contact: Julie Howell, Communications Manager, SF, 2860 S. Circle Drive, Suite 2301, Colorado Springs, CO 80906; (719) 576-8000 or (800) 691-4000; e- mail: julie@spacef oundation.orgorcustserv@spacefoundation.org; Web site: www.spacefoundation.org.
1—Counselors: Counselor Workshop for New Counselors, sponsored by the College Board, for new college counselors, at Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa. Contact: Stephen DiPietro, CB, 3440 Market St., Suite 410, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 387-7600, ext. 124; fax: (215) 387-5805; e-mail: sdipietro@collegeboard.org; Web site: www.collegeboard.org.
*1—Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Seattle. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail: info@ait.net; Web site: www.ait.net.
1—Middle schools: Integrating Exploration Throughout the Curriculum, sponsored by the Association of Illinois Middle-Level Schools, for exploratory and school-to-work teachers, at Hadley Junior High School in Glen Ellyn, Ill. Contact: Barb Roth, AIMS, PO Box 11076, Champaign, IL 61826; (217) 333-7104; fax: (217) 333-2440; e-mail: bjroth@uiuc.edu; Web site: www.cprd.uiuc.edu/aims.
1-3—Teaching: Bi-Annual Good Teaching Conference, sponsored by the California Teachers Association, for educators, at the Marriott Hotel in Burlingame, Calif. Contact: CTA, (650) 552-5350; Web site: www.cta.org.
1-4—Principals: 86th Annual Convention and Exposition: Stand Up and Lead, sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, for administrators, in Atlanta. Contact: Convention Office, NASSP, 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191; (800) 253-7746; (703) 476-5490; e-mail: convention@principals.org; Web site: www.nasspconvention.org.
*2—Science: 26th Annual Spring Math/Science Conference, sponsored by the San Mateo County Office of Education, for educators, at Cañada College in Redwood City, Calif. Deadline: Feb. 25. Contact: Christine Joy, SMCOE, 101 Twin Dolphin Drive, Redwood City, CA 94065; (650) 802-5337; fax: (650) 802-5622; e- mail: cjoy@smcoe.k12.ca.us.