A symbol (*) marks events that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.
9-10--Science: Focus on Standards for Science and Mathematics, sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, for educators, in Atlanta. Contact: Project 2061, AAAS, 1333 H St. N.W., Room 844, Washington, DC 20005; (888) 737-2061; Web site: www.pdp2061.org.
9-10--School improvement: Focusing on Student Performance-Creating Research-Based Schoolwide Action Plans for Increasing Student Achievement, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for principals, teachers, and administrators, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail: schoolimprovement@nsse.org; Web site: www.nsse.org.
9-11--Technology: National Spring Conference, sponsored by Computer Using Educators Inc., for educators, technology coordinators, administrators, and Digital High School grant applicants, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. Contact: CUE Inc., 1210 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501, (510) 814- 6630; fax: (510) 814-0195; e-mail: cueinc@cue.org; Web site: www.cue.org.
**9-11--Developmental education: : Learning and the Brain: Using Brain Research to Reshape Classroom Practice, sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, for principals, superintendents, teachers, and school psychologists, at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Mass. Contact: Anne Rosefeld, Conference Director, (617) 469-6789, ext. 21; fax: (617) 460-3077; e-mail: learning_brain@yahoo.com; Web site: www.edupr.com.
10--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Abilene, Texas, and Pueblo, Colo. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail: info@ait.net; Web site: www.ait.net.
**10--Special education: Lehigh University 30th Annual Education Law Conference: Special Education Law: Twist and Churns, sponsored by Lehigh University, for educators, administrators, counselors, school psychologists, special education directors, lawyers, and parents, at the university in Bethlehem, Pa. Contact: Lisa Collins, (610) 758-3234; fax: (610) 758-3227; e-mail: lic4@lehigh.edu.
**13--Classroom management: Getting Beyond Disruption, Hostility, and Excuses: A Reality Therapy Approach, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for teachers, counselors, and principals, at the Ramada Inn South in Springfield, Ill. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail: info@ait.net; Web site: www.ait.net.
14--College fair: Online College Fair for General Interest Students, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for students, teachers, and parents, at www.OnlineCollegeFair.com. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com.
**14--Classroom management: Getting Beyond Disruption, Hostility, and Excuses: A Reality Therapy Approach, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for teachers, counselors, and principals, at the Holiday Inn Carbondale in Carbondale, Ill. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail: info@ait.net; Web site: www.ait.net.
**14-15--Homeless children: New York State Education Department Conference on the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, sponsored by the New York State Technical and Education Assistance Center for Homeless Students, for educators, human- services providers, community-based agencies, and elected officials, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in White Plains, N.Y. Contact: Kate Ventura, PO Box 488, Central Islip, NY 11722; (631) 232-4064; fax: (631) 232-4072; e-mail: kventura@sricboces.org.
14-17--Parental involvement: Common Sense Parenting: Training for Parent Trainers, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail: nrtcmarketing@boystown.org.
15--Parental involvement: Your Child’s Rights Under the New Continuum of Services, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for educators, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail: sspero@churchillschool.com.
16--English: Conference, sponsored by the English Language Arts Council/United Federation of Teachers, for English teachers, in New York City. Contact: Vita Rosenberg, (212) 598-9298; fax: (212) 533-5402; e-mail: uftprocomm@aol.com.
16--Scholarships: National Scholarship Month “Dollars for Scholars” Gala, sponsored by the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America, for the general public, in Minneapolis. Contact: CSFA, 1505 Riverview Road, St. Peter, MN 56082; (800) 537- 4180; fax: (507) 931-9168; e-mail: cvandyke@csfa.org; Web site: www.csfa.org.
16-17--Technology: Education Technology Summit, sponsored by Teachers’ College, Columbia University, for educators, at the university in New York City. Contact: Marie Browne, (203) 840-5345; e-mail: mbrowne@reedexpo.com; Web site: www.edtechsummit.com.
16-18--Scholarships: National Scholarship Month Board Meeting: Scholarships-Lighting the Future, sponsored by the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America, for CSFA board members and the general public, in St. Peter, Minn. Contact: CSFA, 1505 Riverview Road, St. Peter, MN 56082; (800) 537-4180; fax: (507) 931-9168; e- mail: cvandyke@csfa.org; Web site: www.csfa.org.
21--Professional development: Satellite Town Meeting With Rod Paige, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for K-12 educators, to be broadcast on national television. Contact: USDE, (800) 872-5327; e-mail: Satellite.Town.Meeting@ed.gov; Web site: www.ed.gov/inits/stm/.
30--Arts education: Integrating Arts and Humanities, sponsored by the Parker Regional Teachers Center, for educators, at the center in Devens, Mass. Contact: PRTC, PO Box 2129, Devens, MA 01432; (978) 772-2687; Web site: www.parker.org/rtc.
30-4--Civic education: We the People...The Citizen and Constitution Texas Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for Texas educators of grades 5-12, at the Texas Law Center in Austin, Texas. Contact: Jan. L. Miller, State Bar of Texas/Law Related Education Department, 1414 Colorado St., Suite 607, Austin, TX 78701; (800) 204-2222, ext. 2122; e-mail: jmiller@texasbar.com; Web site: www.texasbar.com.
4--Abuse: Preventing Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for educators, counselors, and medical staff, in BoysTown, Neb. Contact: NRTC, 14100 Crawford St., Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; Web site: www.girlsandboystown.org/nrtc.
5--Principals: Early-Childhood Institute, sponsored by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association, for Texas elementary and middle school principals, assistant principals, and teachers, at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas. Contact: Lisa Holloway, TEPSA, 510 E. 10th St., Austin, TX 78701; (512) 478- 5268; fax: (512) 478-1502; e-mail: lisa@tepsa.org; Web site: www.tepsa.org.
5-7--Principals: Summer Conference, sponsored by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association, for Texas elementary and middle school principals, assistant principals, and supervisors, at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas. Contact: Lisa Holloway, TEPSA, 510 E. 10th St., Austin, TX 78701; (512) 478-5268; fax: (512) 478-1502; e-mail: lisa@tepsa.org; Web site: www.tepsa.org.
7--Standards: 2nd Annual Building on Success Conference: Best Practices in a Standards-Based Public Education, sponsored by Mass Insight Education and Research Institute Inc., for educators, at the Sheraton Boston Hotel in Boston. Deadline: May 31. Contact: MIERI, 18 Tremont St., Suite 930, Boston, MA 02108; (617) 722-4160; fax: (617) 722-4151; e-mail: insight@massinsight.com; Web site: www.massinsight.org.
**7--Autism: Eden Institute Foundation Princeton Lecture Series: Autism: Affecting the Research and Service Agenda, sponsored by the Eden Institute, for educators, at Princeton University in Princeton, N.J. Contact: EI, One Eden Way, Princeton, NJ 08540; (609) 987-0099; Web site: www.edenservices.org.
8-15--Civic education: We the People ... The Citizen and Constitution Summer Advanced Content Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for upper elementary, middle, and high school educators, at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Mo. Deadline: March 1. Contact: Susan Roe, CCE, 5146 Douglas Fir Road, Calabasas, CA 91302; (818) 591-9321; fax: (818) 591-9330; e-mail: roe@civiced.org; Web site: www.civiced.org.
**10-11--Accountability: Taking Account of Accountability: Assessing Politics and Policy, sponsored by the Program on Education Policy and Governance at Harvard University, for educators, at the Taubman Center for State and Local Government in Cambridge, Mass. Contact: Thomas M. Polseno, Staff Assistant, PEPG, John F. Kennedy School of Government, 79 JFK St., Taubman 303, Cambridge, MA 02138- 5801; (617) 495-6954; fax: (617) 496-4428; e-mail: thomas_polseno@ksg.harvard.edu; Web site: www.ksg.harvard.edu/pepg.
11--College fair: Online College Fair for International Students, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for students, teachers, and parents, at www.OnlineCollegeFair.com. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site: www.nacac.com.
11-13--Professional development: Building Strong Communities, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for educators, child-welfare and juvenile- justice professionals, and family professionals, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC, 14100 Crawford St., Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; Web site: www.girlsandboystown.org/nrtc.
14-17--Teacher certification: 74th Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, for state certification officers and staffs, teacher education college deans and department heads, and state and school district human-resources personnel, at the Hyatt Hotel Union Station in St. Louis. Contact: NASDTEC, (508) 539-8844; fax: (508) 539-8868; e- mail: nasdtec@mediaone.net; Web site: www.nasdtec.org.
14-21--Civic education: We the People ... The Citizen and Constitution New Mexico Summer Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for upper elementary, middle, and high school educators, at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: Dora Marroquin, 7305 Vivian Drive N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87109; (505) 822-8357; fax: (818) 591-9330; e-mail: bdjlglm@earthlink.net.
16-21--Civic education: We the People ... The Citizen and Constitution Tennessee Summer Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for upper elementary, middle, and high school educators, at the Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. Contact: Mary Catherine Bradshaw, 5845 Merrimac Court, Nashville, TN 37215; (615) 376-5108; e-mail: marycatbrad@yahoo.com.
17-20--Curriculum management: Maximizing Student Achievement Through Curriculum Assessment and Design and Delivery, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for educators, in Bloomington, Ind. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402-0789; (812) 339-1156 or (800) 766-1156: fax: (812) 339- 0018; e-mail: headquarters@pdkintl.org; Web site: www.pdkintl.org.
**17-20--Education law: Expanded Summer Institute on Legal and Educational Issues, sponsored by the Marathon County, Wis., Department of Special Education, for adminstrators, pupil-services directors, and educators, at the LaCrosse Center/Radisson Hotel in LaCrosse, Wis. Contact: Cheryl Adams or Kathy Matthaidess, MCDSE, (715) 848- 5440; e-mail: conferences@mcspecialeducation.co m.
18--Professional devlopment: Satellite Town Meeting With Rod Paige, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for K-12 educators, broadcast nationally. Contact: USDE, (800) 872-5327; e-mail: Satellite.Town.Meeting@ed.gov; Web site: www.ed.gov/inits/stm/.
18-19--Classroom management: The Well-Managed Classroom, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact, NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail: nrtcmarketing@boystown.org.
18-19--Special education: Reaching the Tough to Teach: Summer Training Institute, sponsored by the Ohio chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children, for teachers, supervisors, administrators, parents, and others involved in the education of children with special needs, in Columbus, Ohio. Contact: Sherri Denish, 3185 W. 41st St., Cleveland, OH 44109; (216) 631-3633; e-mail: slden23@aol.com.
18-25--Civic education: We the People ... The Citizen and Constitution Summer Mountain/Plains Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for upper elementary, middle, and high school educators, at the Montana State University in Billings, Mont. Deadline: March 22. Contact: Susan Roe, CCE, 5146 Douglas Fir Road, Calabasas, CA 91302; (818) 591-9321; fax: (818) 591-9330; e-mail: roe@civiced.org; Web site: www.civiced.org.
19-21--Assessment: National Assessment Seminar, sponsored by the Northwest Evaluation Association, for assessment directors, administrators, school board members, and teachers, at the Marriott Downtown in Portland, Ore. Contact: NWEA, 12909 S.W. 68th Parkway, Suite 400, Portland, OR 97223; (503) 624-1951; fax: (503) 639-7873; e-mail: munse@nwea.org; Web site: www.nwea.org.
19-21--Space: JASON XIV: Shore to Sea National Educators Conference, sponsored by the JASON Foundation for Education, for educators and trainers, at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee University Center in Milwaukee. Deadline: June 7. Contact: UW-Milwaukee, JASON Project, 161 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 6000, Milwaukee, WI 53203; (414) 227-3366; fax: (414) 227-3168.
20-21--Safety: Safe and Effective Secondary Schools, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, support staff, school resource officers, and counselors, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail: nrtcmarketing@boystown.org.
20-21--School improvement: Focusing on Student Performance-Creating Research-Based Schoolwide Action Plans for Increasing Student Achievement, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for principals, teachers, and administrators, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail: schoolimprovement@nsse.org; Web site: www.nsse.org.
20-22--Assessment: Assessment-A Shared Commitment, sponsored by the American Association for Higher Education, for educators, at the Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston. Contact: AAHE Service Center, 1 Dupont Circle, Suite 360, Washington, DC 20036-1110; (202) 293-6440, ext. 761; fax: (202) 293-0073; e-mail: servicecenter@aahe.org; Web site: www.aahe.org/conferences.htm.
20-23--Urban schools: Issues Forum, sponsored by the Council of Urban Boards of Education, for school board members and administrators from urban districts, in New York City. Contact: Katrina Kelley, Director, CUBE, National School Boards Association, 1680 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 838-6722; fax: (703) 683-7590; e-mail: kkelley@nsba.org; Web site: www.nsba.org/cube.
20-25--Professional development: Annual conference, sponsored by the National Peer Helpers Association, for students and educators, in Baltimore. Contact: NPHA, PO Box 32272, Kansas City, MO 64171-5272; (877) 314-7337; fax: (866) 314-7337; e-mail: npha2002@peerhelping.org; Web site: www.peerhelping.org.
22-25--Parental involvement: 106th National PTA Convention and Exhibition, sponsored by the National Parent/Teacher Association, for members, parents, and educators, at the San Antonio Convention Center in San Antonio. Deadline: April 19. Contact: Vicki Loise, Meetings Director, NPTA, 330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 670-6782, ext. 306; fax: (312) 670-6783; e-mail: v_loise@pta.org; Web site: www.pta.org.
23-25--Community involvement: Community Schools Work! 2002 National Forum, sponsored by the Coalition for Community Schools, for educators, community leaders, policymakers, and parents, at the Renaissance Washington Hotel in Washington. Contact: Sheri DeBoe Johnson, CCS, 1001 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 310, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 822-8405, ext. 154; fax: (202) 872-4054; e-mail: johnsons@iel.org; Web site: www.communityschools.org.
23-27--Teacher education: Teacher Education as a Social Mission: A Key to the Future-4th International Conference on Teacher Education, sponsored by the Israel Ministry of Education, the Israel Department of Teacher Education, and the MOFET Institute, for teacher educators, at the Achva College of Education in Israel. Contact: Yodfat Kirmayer, Conference Coordinator, Achva College of Education, M.P. Shikmim 79800, Israel; (972) 8-8588092; fax: (972)8-8588116; e-mail: yodfat_k@macam.ac.il; Web site: www.conf4.achva.ac.il.
**23-28--Middle schools: Transforming Middle Schools: Focus on Instruction in Grades 5-9, sponsored by AEL Inc. and the University of Charleston, for teams of teachers, principals, and curriculum supervisors, at the University in Charleston, W.Va. Contact: Terry Foster, (800) 624-9120; fax: (304) 347-0489; e-mail: fosterf@ael.org; Web site: www.ael.org/ael-uc.htm.
**23-28--Middle schools: Transforming Middle Schools: Focus on Instruction in Grades 5-9, sponsored by AEL Inc. and the University of Charleston, for teams of teachers, principals, and curriculum supervisors, at the University in Charleston, W.Va. Contact: Terry Foster, (800) 624-9120; fax: (304) 347-0489; e-mail: fosterf@ael.org; Web site: www.ael.org/ael-uc.htm.
24-28--Space: Space Discovery Graduate Courses: Earth Systems Sciences, sponsored by the Space Foundation, for K-12 educators, at the Garden of the Gods Trading Post in Colorado Springs, Colo. Deadline: May 1. Contact: Julie Howell, Communications Manager, SF, 2860 S. Circle Drive, Suite 2301, Colorado Springs, CO 80906; (719) 576-8000; e-mail: julie@spacefoundation.org; Web site: www.spacefoundation.org.
24-28--Special education: Specialized Classroom Management, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for specialized classroom instructors and teacher aides, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail: nrtcmarketing@boystown.org.
24-29--Catholic schools: Institute in Catholic Identity, sponsored by the Manhattan College Graduate School of Educational Leadership, for Catholic school educators, at the college in Riverdale, N.Y. Deadline: June 1. Contact: Sister Remigia Kushner, Director, Catholic School Administrator Program, MC, Riverdale, NY 10471; (718) 862-7473; fax: (718) 862-7816; e-mail: rkushner@manhattan.edu; Web site: www.manhattan.edu/~rkushner/ICI2 002.
**24-29--Teacher: National Board Facilitators’ Institutes Combination Program, sponsored by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, for national board- certified teachers, teacher-educators, and state and local administrators, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Contact: NBPTS, (800) 228- 3224; Web site: www.nbpts.org.
24-1--History: Colonial Williamsburg Teachers’ Institute-Elementary School, sponsored by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, for 5th grade social studies teachers, in Williamsburg, Va. Deadline: June 1. Contact: Tab Broyles, CWF, PO Box 1776, Williamsburg, VA 23187; (757) 220-7975; fax: (757) 565-8916; e-mail: tbroyles@cwf.org; Web site: www.history.org/teach.
24-1--History: Colonial Williamsburg Teachers’ Institute-Middle School, sponsored by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, for social studies teachers for grades 7- 12, in Williamsburg, Va. Deadline: June 1. Contact: Tab Broyles, CWF, PO Box 1776, Williamsburg, VA 23187; (757) 220-7975; fax: (757) 565-8916; e-mail: tbroyles@cwf.org; Web site: www.history.org/teach.
25-27--Administrators: Administrative Intervention, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for principals, administrators, counselors, social workers, and team leaders, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail: nrtcmarketing@boystown.org; Web site: www.girlsandboystown.org/nrtc.
25-27--Principals: Managing With a Difference: Decisionmaking With a Purpose and Data, sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, for elementary and middle school principals and assistant principals, at the Radisson Harbor Inn in Sandusky, Ohio. Contact: NAESP, 1615 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3483; (703) 684-3345, ext. 208; fax: (703) 518-6281; e- mail: lhoffman@naesp.org; Web site: www.naesp.org.
27-29--Bilingual education: Multilingual and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Dyslexia, sponsored by the International Dyslexia Association, for educators, administrators, university professors, policymakers, and researchers, at the Omni Hotel in Washington. Contact: IDA, Chester Building #382, 8600 LaSalle Road, Baltimore, MD 21286; (410) 296-0232; fax: (410) 321-5069; Web site: www.interdys.org/conference.st m#multi.
29-26--Developmental education: Kellogg Institute for the Training and Certification of Developmental Educators, sponsored by the National Center for Developmental Education, for practitioners and administrators, at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C. Deadline: April 16. Contact: Sandy Drewes or Maggie Mock, KITCDE, NCDE, Appalachian State University, PO Box 32098, Boone, NC 28608; (828) 262-3057; fax: (828) 262-2128; e-mail: drewess@appstate.eduormock mt@appstate.edu; Web site: www.ncde.appstate.edu.
30-3--School nurses: 34th Annual Conference, Partners with Children, sponsored by the National Association of School Nurses, for school nurses, school nurse administrators, school nurse consultants, and school health educators, at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Contact: NASN, Eastern Office, PO Box 1300, Scarborough, ME 04070-1300; (207) 883-2117 or (877) 627-6476; fax: (207) 883-2683; e-mail: nasn@nasn.org; Web site: www.nasn.org.