

January 01, 2002 17 min read
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Following are dates for workshops, conferences, and other professional- development opportunities for teachers. Some events may include administrators, policymakers, parents, and others. The list is organized by region, though some events are national meetings. Registration deadlines may close before the date of the event. Asterisks (*) denote new entries.


*February 2 MATHEMATICS Improving Math Competence. Sponsored by the Churchill Center, in New York City. For more information, contact: Susan Spero, Churchill Center, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail

*February 13 MATHEMATICS Structural Arithmetic Multiplication and Division. Sponsored by the Churchill Center, in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, Churchill Center, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail

*February 28 MATHEMATICS Structural Arithmetic and Beyond Fractions and Decimals. Sponsored by the Churchill Center, in New York City. For more information, contact: Susan Spero, Churchill Center, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail

*March 4-7 CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT Maximizing Student Achievement Through Curriculum Assessment and Design and Delivery. Sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, in Philadelphia. Deadline: two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, P.O. Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402-0789; (812) 339-1156; (800) 766-1156; fax (812) 339-0018; e-mail;

*March 7-9 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 11th Annual Urban Conference and Exhibit on Middle Level Initiatives: Closing the Achievement Gap. Sponsored by the National Middle School Association, in Pittsburgh. Contact: NMSA, 4151 Executive Pkwy., Suite 300, Westerville, OH 43081; (614) 895-4730 or (800) 528-6672; fax (614) 895-4750; e-mail;

*March 12 READING Kindergarten Reading Readiness Screening Tests. Sponsored by the Churchill Center, in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, Churchill Center, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail

*March 19-23 BILINGUAL EDUCATION 31st Annual International Bilingual/ Multicultural Education Conference. Sponsored by the National Association for Bilingual Education, in Philadelphia. Contact: NABE, 1030 15th St. N.W., Suite 470, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 898-1829; fax (202) 789-2866; e-mail;


January 31-February 1 ACHIEVEMENT Focusing on Student Performance: Creating Research-Based Schoolwide Action Plans for Increasing Student Achievement. Sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, in Schaumburg, Ill. Registration deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Rd., Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax (847) 995-9088; e- mail;

*February 6-8 DATA Seize the Data! Maximizing the Role of Data in School Improvement Planning. Sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, in Schaumburg, Ill. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Rd., Suite 406, Shaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax (847) 995-9088; e-mail;

*February 9-12 READING 17th National Reading Recovery and Descubriendo La Lectura Conference: Literacy for Every Child. Sponsored by the Reading Recovery Council of North America, in Columbus, Ohio. Registration deadline: approximately one month prior to event. Contact: Anita Gibson, Director of Conferences and Events, RRCNA, 1929 Kenny Rd., Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43210- 1069; (614) 292-7111, ext. 2; fax (614) 292-4404; e-mail;

*February 13-14 MENTORING Mentoring the New Teacher: Professional Development for Reflection and Growth. Sponsored by the Northeast Regional Professional Development Center, in Cleveland. Contact: NRPDC, Rhodes Tower 901, Cleveland State University, 1860 E. Second St., Cleveland, OH 44114-4435; (216) 523-7107; fax (216) 687-5422; e- mail

*February 19-20 STAFF DEVELOPMENT The Adaptive School: Developing and Facilitating Collaborative Groups. Sponsored by the Northeast Regional Professional Development Center, in Cleveland. Contact: NRPDC, Rhodes Tower 901, Cleveland State University, 1860 E. Second St., Cleveland, OH 44114-4435; (216) 523-7107; fax (216) 687-5422; e- mail

*February 20-21 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT The Well-Managed Classroom. Sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, in Boys Town, Neb. For more information, contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail

*February 21-23 BEHAVIOR The Whole Child. Sponsored by the Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders, in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Kirsten McBride, Conference Manager, MSLBD, P.O. Box 40001, Overland Park, KS 66204; (913) 492-8755; fax (913) 492- 2546;

*February 28-March 2 ENGLISH The Many Facets of Literacy. Sponsored by the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, in Beachwood, Ohio. Contact: William Romeo, OCTELA, (440) 885-2370; e-mail;

*March 4-8 SPECIAL EDUCATION Specialized Classroom Management. Sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail

*March 5-6 SAFETY Safe and Effective Secondary Schools. Sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e- mail

*March 19-20 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT The Well-Managed Classroom. Sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, in Boys Town, Neb. For more information, contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail

*March 19-22 PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Common Sense Parenting: Training for Parent Trainers. Sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail

*March 21-23 FOREIGN LANGUAGE Conference. Sponsored by the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, in Kansas City, Mo. For more information, contact: Diane Ging, CSCTFL, P.O. Box 21531, Columbus, OH 43221-0531; (614) 529-0109; fax (614) 529-0321; e-mail

*March 25-26 LANGUAGE SKILLS Including English Language Learners in Mainstream Classrooms. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in Kansas City, Mo. For more information, contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311- 1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 25-26 SCHEDULING Instructional Strategies for Flexible Scheduling. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933- 2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;


*February 9-10 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED TEPSA Early Childhood Institute. Sponsored by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association, in Austin, Texas. Early registration deadline: Jan. 10. For more information, contact: Lisa Holloway, TEPSA, 510 E. 10th St., Austin, TX 78701; (512) 478-5268; fax (512) 478-1502; e-mail;

*February 15-19 HIGHER EDUCATION 21st Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience. Sponsored by the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, in Orlando, Fla. Contact: NRCFYEST, University of South Carolina, 1629 Pendleton St., Columbia, SC 29208; (803) 777-6029; fax (803) 777-4699; e-mail;

*February 21-23 ENGLISH A Classic Language Arts Conference. Sponsored by the Georgia Council of Teachers of English, in Rome, Ga. Contact: Alan Perry, GCTE, 944 Hwy. 114, Summerville, GA 30747; (706) 857-3528; e-mail

*February 23-27 DROPOUTS 14th Annual America’s At-Risk Youth National Forum. Sponsored by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Contact: NDPC/N, 209 Martin St., Clemson, SC 29631-1555; (864) 656-2599; fax (864) 656-0136; e-mail;

*March 6-8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Lesson Design for Differentiating Instruction. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 6-8 TEACHING Understanding by Design: Teaching and Assessing for In-Depth, Engaging, and Effective Learning and Understanding by Design. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. For more information, contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 7-8 CURRICULUM Themes and Essential Questions for Curriculum and Assessment. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575- 5400; e-mail;

*March 7-8 DATA Advanced Curriculum Mapping: Unpacking Assessment Data to Improve Student Performance. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578- 9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 7-8 GRADING Developing Grading and Reporting Systems for Student Learning. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. For more information, contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311- 1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 7-8 INSTRUCTION Classroom Instruction That Works. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. For more information, contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 7-9 AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS 14th Annual Conference. Sponsored by the National School-Age Care Alliance, in Memphis, Tenn. Contact: NSACA, 1137 Washington St., Boston, MA 02135; (800) 606-0061; fax (617) 298-5022; e-mail;

*March 7-9 CURRICULUM 11th Core Knowledge National Conference. Sponsored by the Core Knowledge Foundation, in Nashville, Tenn. Early registration deadline: Jan. 11; regular registration deadline: Feb. 1. For more information, contact: CKF, 801 E. High St., Charlottesville, VA 22902; (804) 977-7550; fax (804) 977-0021; e-mail;

*March 8 ACHIEVEMENT GAP Closing the Achievement Gap by Meeting High Standards. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578- 9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Schools as Caring Communities: Learning and Leading by Engaging the Public. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION What All New Teachers Should Know About the Brain. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. For more information, contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 DIVERSITY Creating the Culturally Responsive Classroom. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 ETHICS Building Decision Skills: A Unique Process for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. For more information, contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 LEARNING Forgotten Standards: In-Depth Learning in a Diverse World. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578- 9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 MATHEMATICS Classroom Practices That Bridge the Gap: Beginning School Mathematics Program. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 PORTFOLIOS The Portfolio Organizer: Succeeding With Portfolios in Your Classroom. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Igniting and Inviting High Student Performance. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575- 5400; e-mail;

*March 8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Coordinating Strategies to Promote Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Examining Student Work as Staff Assessment and Development. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. For more information, contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311- 1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Guiding School Improvement and Empowering Teachers Through Action Research. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575- 5400; e-mail;

*March 8 TEACHER EVALUATION Enhancing Professional Practice: Teacher Evaluation That Works. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578- 9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 8 TECHNOLOGY How to Integrate the Internet Into Your School’s Curriculum. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578- 9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 9-11 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Annual Conference and Exhibit Show. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in San Antonio. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*March 14-16 FOREIGN LANGUAGE Conference. Sponsored by the Southern Conference on Language Teaching, in Baton Rouge, La. Contact: Lynne McClendon, SCLT, 165 Lazy Laurel Chase, Roswell, GA 30076; e-mail


*February 1-2 SPACE National Educator Conference: Space in the Classroom. Sponsored by the Space Foundation, in Sacramento, Calif. Contact: Julie Howell, Communications Manager, Space Foundation, 2860 S. Circle Dr., Suite 2301, Colorado Springs, CO 80906; (719) 576-8000; fax (719) 576-8801; e-mail;

*February 2-6 TEACHER EDUCATION The Best Teachers for All Our Children. Sponsored by the Association of Teacher Educators, in Denver. Contact: ATE, 1900 Association Dr., Suite ATE, Reston, VA 20191; (703) 620-3110; fax (703) 620-9530; e-mail;

*February 7-8 ASSESSMENT Assessment for Learning. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in Denver. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575- 5400; e-mail;

*February 7-8 MENTORING Learning Focused Mentoring: Consulting, Collaborating, and Coaching for Professional Excellence. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in Denver. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575- 5400; e-mail;

*February 7-8 STAFF DEVELOPMENT Facilitating Your Team’s Success. Sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, in Denver. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax (703) 575-5400; e-mail;

*February 9-13 YEAR-ROUND EDUCATION Connecting Time and Learning. Sponsored by the National Association for Year- Round Education, in San Diego. For more information, contact: NAYRE, P.O. Box 711386, San Diego, CA 92171-1386; (619) 276-5296; fax (858) 571-5754; e-mail;

*February 15-17 ENGLISH Conference. Sponsored by the California Association of Teachers of English, in Oakland, Calif. For more information, contact: Lorraine Tracey, 586 Arlington Rd., Redwood City, CA 94062; (650) 367-0427; e-mail;

*February 22-23 BEHAVIOR Getting Started With Difficult Students K-12. Sponsored by Our Other Youth, in Cannon Beach, Ore. Registration deadline: Feb. 15. Contact: Jerry Conrath, Our Other Youth, 64 Junco Rd., Lopez Island, WA 98261; (360) 468-3169; fax (360) 468-3120.

*February 28-March 2 SPACE National Educator Conference: Space in the Classroom. Sponsored by the Space Foundation, in Colorado Springs, Colo. For more information, contact: Julie Howell, Communications Manager, Space Foundation, 2860 S. Circle Dr., Suite 2301, Colorado Springs, CO 80906; (719) 576-8000 or (800) 691-4000; e-mail or;&nbs p;

*March 1-3 TEACHING Biannual Good Teaching Conference. Sponsored by the California Teachers Association, in Burlingame, Calif. Contact: CTA, IPD Department, 1705 Murchison Dr., Burlingame, CA 94010; (650) 552-5350;

*March 6-9 ENGLISH Changing Landscapes: Explorando Fronteras Nuevas. Sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, in Portland, Ore. Contact: NCTE, 1111 W. Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL 61801-1096; (217) 328-3870; fax (217) 278-3761; e-mail;

*March 8-10 EQUITY 2002 CTA Equity and Human Rights Conference. Sponsored by the California Teachers Association, in Costa Mesa, Calif. Registration deadline: Feb. 10. For more information, contact: Sue Narlock, CTA, Human Rights Department, 1706 Murchison Dr., Burlingame, CA 94010; (650) 552-5313; e-mail;

*March 11-13 TECHNOLOGY Microcomputers in Education. Sponsored by Arizona State University, in Tempe, Ariz. Contact: Jody Wong, ASU, MEC, P.O. Box 870101, Tempe, AZ 85287-0101; (480) 965-9700; fax (480) 965-6317; e-mail;

*March 13-16 TECHNOLOGY Metamorphoses: The Changing Faces of Technology. Sponsored by the Northwest Council for Computer Education, in Seattle. Early registration deadline: Feb. 1. Contact: NCCE, (360) 650-4760; e-mail;

—Vanessa Dea


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